When I grew up in the AG church, I ALWAYS heard about a sort of "Born Again Honeymoon." This was a time, after getting saved, when you feel wonderful, get all sorts of positive convictions, work on changing your life, and you have so much joy.
I never felt that when I got saved.
When I accepted Christ around age 9 (not sure when...apparently, you're not supposed to forget the day you accepted Christ, but I did. I remember it was at a Kid's Rally) it was with two purposes: A desire to do what was right and serve the Lord, and a desire not to burn in hell. I remember going up front for the alter call (something shy me would normally not do), curling up on the floor, feeling the comforting hand of the rally leader on my back, and accepting the Lord. I felt good, I believe it was a true "coming to Christ." But, I didn't feel that Honeymoon.
(As a side note, I have long since learned that I fall terribly short of the emotional and social expectations that the Assembly of God church places on their congregants. I'm just not naturally very charismatic.)
Ironically, though, I feel very uplifted and elated in my seeking journey and like this spiritual...I don't know...world is closer at hand. I have visions of people cheering me on. Not like clear visions. Not dreams. Not like watching a movie or experiencing it tangibly. I see in my mind's eye, so to speak, smiling faces (though I can't see the faces) of robed bodies (though the bodies are a blur) with open arms, and a "sound" of encouragement that I can't hear, but rather feel.
I want to dig into the scripture. I want to pray. I want to discuss. I want to praise. I want to tell. I am bursting spiritually! It's like that "Born Again Honeymoon" I was supposed to have after accepting Christ in the AG church. And I haven't even converted to Catholicism!
Maybe it isn't Catholicism, but just the seeking. The true seeking and not just accepting what I am told. Through true seeking I can truly know Christ and not just want I am told to know.
My inner debate about modern Christianity and seeking the truth of our church origins.
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