It is big news in the American Catholic world that popular Protestant YouTube vlogger, Lizziesanswers has converted to Catholicism. I learned about Lizzie through Gus Lloyd's SiriusXM program on 129 and immediately found and subscribed to her YouTube page to hear her story. Not only did I get her conversion story, but I also got an earful of Catholic apologetics....stuff I have never heard before!
A lot of Lizzie's story resonated with me. Her thought processes throughout her studies were similar to mine now. A big difference is that Lizzie was fighting against becoming Catholic, but can't ignore what she has learned and decided it is Truth. I WANT Catholicism to be the Truth, but my research isn't bringing me to that conclusion.
So, I swing back to one of my square one questions: How can two people research the same history and dogma and come to different conclusions?
Lizzie is very intellectual and has studied a LOT more theology than I ever have, so I do not put us on equal footing. But, I am not slouch, either.
My current four hang-ups right now are:
1. The reason Gus Lloyd stated for infant baptism and the baptism dogma of the catechism is that verse Jesus says about being born of water and the Spirit. The water, he says, is about the baptism by water. However, the entire context of that passage of scripture is talking about and setting up birth by natural ways and rebirth through accepting Christ! The birth by water refers to the natural birth and the amniotic fluid. NOT baptismal water.
2. The whole "time-travel" belief of the Holy Mass. When Lizzie spoke of this in one of her videos, I just about fell off my chair. I got over my Eucharist doubt, but this whole woosh back into time to the Last Supper is just beyond my ability to understand.
3. Persona Christi.....I understand the teachings of the Pope being the succession of the line of second in command that Christ gave to Peter, but this whole "priest becomes Christ" idea is beyond me. As a Protestant, we believe that Christ is there in spirit, anyway. We don't need Him to possess priests or utilize priestly bodies to interact with us. I'd like some clarification on this.
4. Good Friday to Easter Sunday. My pastor did an excellent job last year of explaining the Jewish holy days and how, if you use the Jewish calendar, they coincide with Christ's Passion....all the events of it. Therefore, Christ didn't die on a Friday. I wish I could better explain this. Perhaps I can find his podcast and share this. Ultimately, Christ is timeless and the whole Good Friday to Easter Sunday thing isn't a big deal. It's not like we celebrate Christmas on Jesus' actual birthday, sort of thing. However, if the Catholic Church is what they claim to be, the original church with the original dogma and Truth, THEN wouldn't they have the dates right?
Again, Lizzie researched Catholicism to refute it and found Truth in it.
I'm researching Catholicism because I want it to be Truth and I am not finding Truth entirely there.
My brother says that we all, every denomination, has something wrong. We'll get to Heaven and God'll say, "you all messed it up." I believe that, but I also dislike it. I want to know the Truth. I want to follow the Truth. I don't want to muddle through the best I can with someone else's opinions and interpretations.
I'm not canceling my research on The Church. I have so very much more the learn.
My inner debate about modern Christianity and seeking the truth of our church origins.
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