My parents left the Roman Catholic faith when I was 4 and switched to an Assemblies of God church, where I grew up. Deep down, I often wished we never left, though I think it was good that we at least left that parish.
Many Catholics left the Catholic faith in the 80's and 90's. Charismatic Evangelicalism was the fastest growing faith at the time. This emotionally-charged, Gospel preaching, soul-saving, tongues-speaking revival gripped everyone. Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, The Gaithers. It was quenching the thirst of parched Catholics.
It seems Catholicism in post-war America had become ritualistic and automatic. It lost the Gospel and worshipful aspect in favor of tomes and motions. Many were Catholics simply because. They didn't know what they truly believed. They weren't taught the meaning, the worship, the wonder and glory of the Gospel!
Upon questioning the ex-Catholics who participated in the Mass Exodus I have discovered that they all pretty much say the same rhetoric about the Catholic church that was taught to them by the evangelicals they placed themselves under. Yet, when I use that rhetoric to discuss differences with my 21st century Catholics, I get completely different answers. Answers with deep meaning and Biblical references....answers completely different from the rhetoric.
For example, I was taught that they worship Saints.
No, they pray to Saints to ask for intercession, much like we evangelicals ask each other to pray for us.
I was taught that they don't believe in salvation through faith alone.
Yes, they do, but they believe that faith isn't just believing, but involves actions (works) to back it up. Acting in love without the love isn't acting in love at all.
The Mass Exodus of the Catholic church in my area has had serious consequences. The beautiful, established Catholic churches have diminished and been sold off, or stand empty and crumbling. Non-Christian faiths are moving into the buildings. Christ is removed and Buddha has taken his place. Transient non-denoms, and arguing church splits, and pastor-loyalists with relatively small and fluctuating, non-committing congregants dot the area.
Tradition is gone. Now, it is whatever floats your boat. Find your own truth.
My inner debate about modern Christianity and seeking the truth of our church origins.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
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