Monday, March 5, 2018

Simple Christianity

I suspect that Christianity is actually quite simple.

Gospel Truth

Love God and love others.

Now, for the inner debate:

If that were the case, then why do we do sooooo many sermons and Bible studies?  Protestants LOVE picking apart the Bible, it seems.  Every Sunday (Saturday if you are 7th Day), Pastors mount the pulpit and preach their prayerful opinion on sermon passages.

And many of them pray that God's Truth comes out of them and nothing else.

And yet, they aren't in one accord.

The Baptist prays the prayer and then preaches that we can't lose our Salvation.

The Assemblies of God pastor prays the prayer and preaches that we can indeed give up our Salvation and turn away from God.

Then, I think of Catholics and Orthodoxy.  They have Mass.  Mass is simple.  Mass follows liturgy.  Mass is constant.  Mass is Christ, Crucified (1 Corinthians 1:23), the Gospel Truth (step one in simple Christianity).  But, any Protestant will tell you Catholicism isn't simple.  There's sacraments, and rituals, feast days and fasting, rosaries and novenas......

And I am back in my circle of debate.

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