It is funny how my mind races so many times a day with thoughts, clear thoughts, of what I want to write down concerning this blog subject, and yet whenever I try to start typing it all out, it all gets muddled, confused, and unwritable. (Now, my spell-correct is telling me unwritable isn't a word.) So, I am going to utilize the writing exercise of just typing out whatever comes to mind, unedited.
I am starting this blog to organize my vast and many thoughts concerning modern Christianity vs our Christian origins.
I am downright angry and frustrated at modern Christianity. I heard several times recently that we have something like 30,000 Christian denominations! And each one believes they are right and the others are wrong. They all have Bible verses to back up their beliefs. They all have Bibles, interpreted ever so slightly differently, to back up their beliefs. And yet, I feel all it does is create confusion and tears down our witness as bearers of The Truth of Jesus Christ and the Gospel.
I believe that when Jesus came to earth, died on the cross for our sins, rose again on the third day, and later ascended into Heaven, He established a church. More traditionalists call it the catholic church (lower case c, not to be confused with The Catholic Church). Now, I realize culture can change churches. The church at Corinth isn't going to be identical to the church at Rome, or Ethiopia, or Phillipi. Today, a New England church isn't going to be identical to a South African church. What I am talking about are the big ol' doctrinal differences that divide.
Some say those differences are just legalism and don't really matter so long as no one is preaching outright sins or against Christ. But, I think they DO matter. Maybe not all, but many. It's a big deal if Christ DID establish the Eucharist and we Protestants shun it, for example.
Today, churches are dividing even further and reinterpreting the Bible even more in the wake of social changes.
All I want is to get back to the beginning and KNOW what Christ established. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever know. I don't think I'll ever figure it out. But, I just can't leave it be. I can't throw up my hands, pick a denomination, and just blindly follow their dogma and shrug off anything I disagree with.
My continued prayer is for God to show me THE TRUTH.
My inner debate about modern Christianity and seeking the truth of our church origins.
Sunday, March 4, 2018
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