One of the arguments against the Catholic Church is that women cannot be Priests. Many Protestant denominations believe this, too. Some denominations allows female pastors, but individuals churches within that denomination do not. In Protestantism, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 is often quoted.
I recently learned that in Catholicism it goes deeper than that. In fact, Catholicism encourages women to be heavily involved in the ministry. They just can't be Priests or Popes or Bishops or Cardinals, etc. Why? A main reason is Persona Christi. Christ utilized a male body here upon earth, and when He apparently manifests Himself during confession or Holy Mass, He must utilize a male person...the Priest.
Now, there are probably other reasons, too. For example, the Last Supper where He established His church teachers and preachers was with all men. He gave the Keys to Peter, a man.
I, personally, even as a Protestant, am not comfortable with female priests or pastors. I have always held the belief that God intended only men to fulfill that role. However, I believe there are a myriad of ways women can uniquely serve in the faith. I feel no loss over a lack of women priests or pastors.
Jennifer Fulweiler (channel 129 SiriusXM) was discussing this on her program the other day. She said that she was able to wrap her feminist mind around male-only priests when she thought of the church as a family and not a corporation. Dad cannot be Mom and Mom cannot be Dad. I, as Mom of the house, fulfill a unique role only I can fulfill and I waste no time wishing I was Dad (ok, maybe I do when he is asleep by 8 pm and I'm still hustling with my tasks at 9pm). But, would I give up my motherhood to be a dad? Would I remove my kids' father so I can be a father? Would hubby oust me so he could be a mommy? No! That's ridiculous!
Our roles are both unique and important. Many would argue that my role is even more important than his! Whether or not that's true, I don't know, I don't dwell on it, but we can all agree that mom is pretty darn special! I wouldn't give up motherhood for manhood, no matter how much the equality bells ring.
My inner debate about modern Christianity and seeking the truth of our church origins.
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