Some Protestants blatantly accuse Catholicism of being of the devil, devil worship, a Satanic religion, wolf in sheep's clothing, etc. At best, it is a Christian religion fraught with pagan influences that grieve God and call to question the Catholics' salvation.
A house divided cannot stand. You cannot serve God and Mammon.
And yet, here is Catholicism. Still standing.
As I study Catholicism and observe her practices, rituals, prayers, etc, I notice that everything...EVERYTHING...points to Christ. Even "prayers to Mary," the Saints, the Stations of the Cross, the Rosary, the Holy Mass, liturgy....EVERYTHING points to Christ. How can everything that points to Christ, that has direct aim, direct address to Christ be demonic?
I recognize that Catholicism has in some ways become cultural, even superstitious to some. But when you get down to brass tacks, it's about Christ entirely. Even the so-called "pagan influences" are directed at Christ, for Christ. The Veneration of Mary is because of Christ, for Him, in obedience to Him.
Are Catholics mistaken? Maybe. I contend that every denomination is mistaken somewhere. We can't all be right and we can't all be completely wrong, either.
Catholics reach back to Christ, and not just Christ in The Gospel of Matthew, but Christ in Genesis. And they pull forward through the ages, through the New Testament, through Revelations, through the earliest of church fathers and their writings found and preserved. Through tradition and the development of the Catechism, answering questions clearly and concisely based on all that was passed down from generation to generation even before the Bible was written. They take it all VERY seriously.
All that together really has me on edge that anyone calls Catholicism demonically influenced and Satan worshipping. I'm even becoming more opposed to the idea that they are gravely mistaken or too pagan. The more I seek, the more I learn, the closer to Christ I feel.
My inner debate about modern Christianity and seeking the truth of our church origins.
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