Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A Little Bit Angry

So, my kids have big mouths.  It got out in my real life that I am researching Catholicism and of course I get push-back.

Now, I am a little bit angry.

1. Why is it that when I am just "going through the motions" in certain Protestant Churches they are happy.  But, when I earnestly seek the Lord and do research and pray my guts out for His Truth and direction, just because it has taken the Catholic scenic route they are out of their minds about it?  It didn't even get this kind of push-back when I was considering becoming Amish or Mennonite!!  I didn't even receive this kind of push-back when I was practically agnostic and totally backslidden!!  But mention Catholicism and watch out!

2. Why is it that Protestants who convert to Catholicism are very kind towards Protestantism and thank God for that basis that helped paved the way to Catholicism, but Protestants who left the Catholic church are practically rabid in their anti-Catholic ways?  Oh, I had "paganism" spewed at me.  I could barely get a word in edgewise.  Any logical, Biblical, or historical arguments I presented were completely disregarded.  "Well, I just don't believe that."  I'M NOT ASKING YOU TO!!!  JUST FREAKING UNDERSTAND AND LISTEN FOR 2 SECONDS!!

Sometimes I really just want to run away from the ties that bind and finally have my own life.

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