Two very Catholic practices I have been doing lately are veiling and crossing. I only do so in my prayer closet. I don't veil and cross in church or in front of others. This may come as legalistic and even wrong to some Protestants, but allow me to explain why.
1 Corinthians 11 has always confused me. I have studied it for 2 decades now and I still can't come to a solid understanding of it. I have read and listened to debates on it and both sides seem to have valid explanations. I even tried covering my head (a la Amish/Mennonite style) 20 years ago, but it was legalistic back then. I was trying to seek the Lord through works and not through honor and obedience...and I thought that being an ultra-conservative Christian would allow me the ability to be a stay at home wife and not have to work. In other words, I was trying to orchestrate and control my perfect little future.
I say all that to assure you that I am not currently utilizing a veil for legalistic purposes.
I have always admired coverings on women. Veils and scarves look so epically beautiful and feminine. 1 Corinthians 11 does discuss the purpose of veiling, and so I decided to just start placing one on my head during my prayer closet time.
I don't feel more holy. I don't feel like God suddenly sees me and approves of me better or hears my prayers more clearly or answers my prayers simply because I stand out with a pretty cloth on my head. What it does do is it provides me with a tool of focus. It is holy by the definition of holy meaning set-apart. I utilize it to set apart that time. As it drapes over my head and down the sides of my face like blinders, it helps keep me focused. It is a physical reminder of my time with God.
Crossing is a bit more difficult to explain why I do it, now. As I thought about why Catholics cross, I actually felt compelled to cross. Now, I don't like that feeling because I have a hard time knowing if it is of the Lord or simply of my own psyche. I gave it a try and found that I like the practice because it is another tool to set apart a time, to set the focus.
I don't believe it gives me any more power in my prayer, or makes me more special in the sight of the Lord, or earns me any favors. It is a gesture of holiness, again, as the definition of holy is set-apart. It sets that time and that prayer apart. It emphasizes to me that I am serious about this.
Prayer is something I can be very flippant about, very unfocused, loose, just blurting out a few demands while my mind is focused elsewhere. Utilizing a veil and crossing are tools that have really helped me to settle down, focus, and realize that I am entering before the Lord. I am speaking to my Creator and my Savior. It sets it apart.
My inner debate about modern Christianity and seeking the truth of our church origins.
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