Thursday, March 21, 2019

How the Glorious Mysteries Teach Us to Love Mothers and Babies

There is a growing outcry among the deceived that we need to stop having babies to save the planet.  There is a growing bloodbath of aborted babies for the sake of convenience.
There is a growing society that cannot and will not support a larger family.
There is a growing general fear, even among the faithful, of having "too many babies."

Many faithful women have stated that while babies number 1 and 2 are generally met with great cheer, any pregnancy beyond that is met with less enthusiasm to downright disdain.  This is NOT how the faithful should respond.  If we do, we are joining ranks with those deceived and their deceivers that babies are bad.

As I prayed the Joyful Mysteries today, I realized how each mystery teaches us how to love mothers and babies:

First Joyful Mystery:  The Annunciation of the Angel to Mary

News of a pregnancy should be received with grace and a "yes" from the parents.

Second Joyful Mystery:  The Visitation of Mary to St. Elizabeth

Shared news of a pregnancy should be received with great joy and celebration.  Family and Friends ought to embrace and support the mother (and father) like Elizabeth did.

Third Joyful Mystery:  The Nativity of Jesus in Bethlehem

The birth should be supported and celebrated.  The mother's need for rest and "purification" (time to heal from the birth, bond with baby, rest, and get her milk supply and nursing down pat) should be of utmost importance.

Fourth Joyful Mystery:  The Presentation of Jesus to the Temple

The Body of Christ, the Church Family should be a support system, too.  No one in the Church should be negative about this new creation, this baby.

The Fifth Joyful Mystery: The Finding of Jesus in the Temple

The Body of Christ needs to be the "village" that it takes to raise a child.  Proper teachings, prayers, and good examples must be kept.  Community ought to be established to help a baby grow in a safe, loving, Christ-filled environment.

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