Tuesday, April 30, 2019

I Gave Christ the Head of the Table

We have our seats around the dining room table.  Our dining room is literally in the center of our house.  It is probably the most used room.  In the center of the dining room is our dining room table, an oval table with 6 chairs, 2 on each side for the children, and one on each end for hubby and me.

When hubby isn't home, his chair can become the catch-all chair, the free-for-all chair.  There are times the poor fellow comes home from work and his chair is covered, or being used by someone else.

Throughout the day with the children, I had assumed position in that chair, eating my meals at the head of the table, and teaching homeschool from that position.  Why not?  In the absence of my spouse, aren't I the authority?

Just the other day I decided to remove myself from that chair completely.  That chair, that spot at the dining room table is for Christ, and for my husband who is the priest of the home, a sort of in persona Christi.  So, when hubby isn't home, that is where Christ sits.  Not me.  Not my kids.  Guests may because the Bible says that being hospitable to others is being hospitable to Him.

As silly as this may sound to some, and as horrifying as it may sound to my evangelical friends and family, I bow and cross myself from time to time as I face or walk past the chair.  It reminds me that Christ has a place in our home, an honored place at the head, and that He is present.  It reminds me that He is there.

I do believe that giving Christ this chair will change our home and family for the better in holiness.  It also gives honor to my husband where honor is due.  When I honor Christ, I honor my husband better.

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