I do believe in a universal truth and that the universal truth comes from a higher power. More specifically, I believe in the Christian God of the Bible and that the truth comes from Him.
Growing up in the Assembly of God Church, I developed this idea that our job as Christians is to seek and pray for the revelation of this universal truth and then God would set us on that "straight and narrow" path and we'd know we were in His perfect will. The problem was, no matter how much I prayed, no matter how much I sought, no matter how much I read, listened, and studied, I never felt that I found that perfect will path. In fact, I became paralyzed, afraid to even move because I wasn't sure if anything I was doing was part of that perfect path.
I have since changed my mindset. Instead of believing that if I did enough faithful Christian stuff He would reveal His perfect Universal Truth path for me to merrily walk upon the rest of my life, I now believe that it is a journey upon this earth and He slowly reveals the Universal Truth through our choices in life. We don't get it all at once and then live life. We live life and learn it along the way.
This helps me not to fear making choices, anymore. I am not literally afraid in my laundry room wondering if turning on the warm water instead of washing in cold water is being a bad steward and not saving that half a penny, and stepping off of Christ's path.
I don't have to be afraid of changing churches, befriending someone who doesn't share my beliefs, making decisions. I can more easily live within the reality of my life here on earth instead of trying to find answers and open doors to a VERY narrow and elusive perfect path that I thought I had to be on.
My inner debate about modern Christianity and seeking the truth of our church origins.
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