Monday, March 19, 2018

My First Prayer of Intercession to a Saint

I share this with a bit of trepidation because while in my real life I have told very very few people about this blog, I wonder who of my Protestant brothers and sisters have found it.  And I know how much Protestants are against "praying to Saints."  It is considered anything from demonic necromancy to just praying into thin air.

Today is the Feast of St. Joseph, Christ's earthly father.  He is the Patron Saint of Husbands and Fathers.  Hearing that, I felt strongly the desire to pray for my husband and my father and the fathers in our lives.  I figured this would be as good a time as any to "pray to a Saint."

I actually prayed to God in Jesus' name.  I prayed that I intend no disrespect and I prayed for the intercession of St. Joseph for my husband, my father, and my father-in-laws (I have two).  So, I sorta technically prayed to God and not directly to Joseph.  I felt nervous as I did it, but I did not feel wrong.

Overall, I do NOT believe that Catholics asking Saints to intercede is NOT a sin and NOT necromancy and not idolatry.  They aren't doing it against God.  They are doing it as part of their service to God.  So, at worst, they are simply praying into thin air.

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