Kind of spring-boarding off of yesterday's post, I was thinking about how Protestants accuse the Catholic Church of treating God like a vending machine. Insert rote prayers, out comes an answer. Some even say that praying to Mary is just manipulating Jesus because Jesus has to obey his mother. Vending machine God....insert Hail Mary, out comes answered prayer.
Catholics will tell you it doesn't work this way.
And I, as currently a Protestant, will tell you the Protestant church is just as guilty as they accuse Catholics to be of treating God like a vending machine.
Instead, when I listen to Catholic radio programs, one thing I hear and learn about is God's sovereignty and God's will. "Thy will be done..."
Protestantism very much has the idea that if you pray the right prayer, if you tithe the right way, if you come to the alter every Sunday, if you come to church every time the doors are open, if you heed this ministry calling, if you do unto the Lord, He will bless you (with ease of life). If things are going wrong in your life that must mean you have some hidden sin. Or, "it's not about works, but you're doing it wrong."
Every Protestant denomination believes their ways are the right ways and the way that is most pleasing to God. Insert cloistered homeschooling, output children who never rebel against the faith. Insert being a more submissive and prayerful, respectful wife, output a husband who doesn't feel the need to beat on you.
Now, there are Catholics who are very works-based in a sort of superstitious way. The whole purpose of the motions of the Catholic Church isn't to just go through the motions for blessings and salvation. The whole purpose of the motions of the Catholic Church is to do so with a heart of faithfulness. It isn't insert Mass, output salvation and forgiven sins. The HEART of the person participating in the Catholic faith is what matters.
The repetition and rote of the Catholic church is highly criticized by Protestants for being without heart and purpose, but it is intended for hearts and purpose. Just as the practices of Judaism had far deeper meaning, but lazy human behavior changed it into superstitious legalism, the same can happen in any church. But, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Having a "change it up" church to avoid repetition can be just as problematic to human nature as repetition. The repetition is supposed to solidify and create unity within the church. They aren't empty gestures. There is great purpose and meaning behind them, order, discipline, reverence. Not chaos and confusion.
And it isn't at all about inserting 10 Hail Marys and 5 Rosaries and output forgiveness, salvation, and favor.
My inner debate about modern Christianity and seeking the truth of our church origins.
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