Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Catholicism Allows for Introversion

One of the hardest things about being an Evangelical Charismatic Protestant is that I am extremely introverted.  There isn't a lot of room for introversion in the ECP movement.  What's worse is that I have been scolded for my introversion, and told that I need to "move out of my comfort zone."  It isn't a "comfort zone."  It's who God made me to be!!

Extroverts cannot understand introversion.  Type A's can't understand Type B's.  Big people cannot understand small people.  I'm introvert, type B, shy, small, simple, quiet.  And I do not feel welcome or like I can be a part of the ECP movement.  Church overwhelms my senses and I have a very hard time meeting God there and getting myself to focus.  There's no opportunity for quietude and reflection.

Catholicism appeals to me because it is quiet, reflective, reverent, and excellent for introverts.  There are so many opportunities and beautifully aesthetic grottos to pray.  Aesthetics are important to me.  Not on a material level, but just because.  A field of wildflowers in bloom sets my soul alight just as much as a well-dressed room or beautiful holy grotto.

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