Sunday, April 22, 2018

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

One argument against Saints being able to hear our prayers in Heaven is that only God is omniscient.  Therefore, it is impossible for the Saints to hear so many prayers at once like God can.  How can Saints have God's power.  They'd then be like God and that's the sin of the Garden of Eden.

All I know is that God can do whatever He wants, and He gave us the Holy Spirit and gifts and He bestowed on His Apostles some God-like gifts, like casting out demons and healing the sick.   Does that make us more God-like?  No.  Because the power doesn't come from us, it comes from God.  Just because I pedal my bike fast enough to make it coast on its own for a while doesn't make it human.

While I am not yet fully convinced of the intercession of the Saints, or Mary for that matter, I don't see how the Protestant argument holds up.  If God can make a donkey talk, if He can give humans divine gifts like casting out demons and healing the sick and speaking in tongues and prophecy and interpretation, etc, then He most certainly can equip His Saints to hear our prayers.

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