Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Leading Catholic Apologists are Converts

It really says something that leading Catholic apologists are converts:  Scott Hahn, Tim Staples, Gus Lloyd, and now Lizzie Reezay!

Back in the 80's, so many Catholics converted to Pentecostalism.   The sheer volume was evidence enough that "Catholics are wrong."  (As a side note, they believed Pentecostalism was right, but only their brand, their version of it.  I remember telling people I was Pentecostal only to have them recoil, and I'd have to reassure them that I am not a chandelier-swinging, snake-handling, writhing-on-the-ground, never-cutting-my-hair-or-wearing-makeup Pentecostal.)

Now, it seems many are returning to the Church, and Protestant leaders are converting and becoming apologists!  And I love reading or listening to their testimonies and reasons because when I asked why Catholics were becoming Pentecostals back in the day, I got short, curt answers of rhetoric:

"They worship Mary."
"They don't believe in true salvation."
"They believe the Bible is false."
"They don't really believe in Jesus or the Holy Spirit."
"They are superstitious."

I didn't get Biblical and historical answers.

Now that I am studying this, I find that I am getting so much Bible and so much history FOR the Catholic Church.  I am finding that those who converted to Pentecostalism knew very little about the Catechism.  Their arguments were formed on rhetoric and not truth.

I wonder, if you brought a Catholic apologist and a Protestant apologist before a courtroom, who would "win?"

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