Thursday, July 26, 2018

Evangelical Gimmick Prayers vs. Novenas, Chaplets, and Rosaries

Often in Evangelicalism it is taught and thought that Catholics not only idol-worship through prayers to Mary and the Saints instead of just to Jesus, but that the novenas, chaplets, and rosaries are just gimmicks and superstitions to get what we want.  Indeed, it does seem through some instructions that I've read that if you just do xyz with such and such novena, your petition will be granted.  There is an element of superstition within some Catholic church people (not the Church, itself), but that doesn't negate the prayers as a whole.

Ironically, though, Evangelicals are quick to jump onto the fad bandwagons and gimmick prayers.  If you just pray the Power of the Praying Whoever, or if you pray this prayer this way, or quote this many scriptures, or speak in tongues, or do the hokey-pokey and turn yourself around, then God HAS to answer your prayer.  The Prosperity Gospel is still hugely popular.  There's the Name it and Claim it movement.

So, what's the difference?  What makes one a gimmick and the other not?

These Evangelical formulas are gimmicks because they claim and expect God to answer exactly how we want Him to.

The Novenas, Chaplets, and Rosaries leave room for God's will to be done.

Any prayer method that claims absolute answers and leaves no room for God's will are gimmicks and should be thrown out.

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