Wednesday, July 25, 2018

What the Holy Cloak Novena is Doing for Me

While I am not going to share publicly what my actual intention is for praying the Holy Cloak Novena, the Novena isn't usually prayed for ourselves, it seems.  It is often prayed for intentions concerning someone else, or something else.  Not a "change me" sort of prayer.  But, one thing I noticed is how it is doing something in me!

There's an entire section within the Novena where the one saying the prayer is praying for St. Joseph's intercession in becoming more Christlike.  I love that this is in there as it takes the focus off of the mote I am praying about and onto the beam in my own eye.  It helps me remember that I am not holier than thou, and it humbles me to prostrate myself even more and give even more of myself and my will up to God.  I just have this urge today to just kneel with my arms outstretched upward for a while.

So, while the other day I hammered the men pretty hard with the Litany for St. Joseph part of the Holy Cloak Novena, I am reminded today that I have my own work to do, too.  I do pray to be a Marian wife and mother.  It does no good to pray for change for someone or something else, but not pray for change in ourselves.

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