My inner debate about modern Christianity and seeking the truth of our church origins.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Fasting was never something I really felt compelled to do. It didn't really make sense to me in Protestantism. With the emphasis on faith and not on works, on not being able to earn "brownie points," and on our own actions not having any special significance (because it all comes from God), fasting just felt like a fad or gimmick and not really necessary.
Once in a while the pastor would call upon us to fast about something, but it was a strange commitment and not one I could ever adhere to. And to what purpose? If Christ redeemed all and all we need to do is go to Him, then to what purpose is fasting other than it is mentioned in the Bible? No clear doctrine was ever preached to me.
On top of that, the entire idea of mortifying yourself or making a self sacrifice was just all too Catholic. I never understood how they would say Catholics were wrong in this, and yet push us to fast.
Today, though, my paradigm has shifted some. Strangely enough I actually want to fast, and imagine my surprise when I was guided on how I can fast! Catholicism opens the door to fasting wide, and creates this joy around it that I find so beautiful and peaceful.
I started with the no meat on Friday. That was simple enough. However, I felt it wasn't enough. So many things are affect by fasting and prayer that I needed to add another day of self-discipline and mortification.
I admit that I am a wuss at fasting. On top of that I do have a medical issue that requires eating and a job that needs me functioning. I was told by some lovely Catholic ladies that I can indeed eat during a fast, and can choose something other than food to give up. I decided to do the following every Wednesday:
1. No facebook (except for what is absolutely needed for my businesses)
2. Food restrictions
For the food restrictions, I cannot have any goodies. No coffee (tea is ok, preferably herbal). Breakfast and lunch will be cold cereal. I chose cold cereal because it requires no thought or preparation that takes up time. I was going to do plain oatmeal and brothy soup, but I decided it was an added thought, effort, and expense. I needed simple meals with no thought or effort used to create them. I will have a normal dinner with my family, but no dessert. Needed snacks are to be simple fruits or vegetables, plain and raw. Today, I did have a plain yogurt, but mostly because I had a health symptom flare up that needed the probiotics.
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