Despite being baptized Catholic, I consider myself more of a convert than a revert since I spent the vast majority of my life as an evangelical. Perhaps the biggest hurdle for most converts to get over in Catholic theology is Mary, especially for those of us who were taught that Mary was just a simple, sinful young woman no different than any of the rest of us. The idea of Mary being who the Catholic Church says she is is very foreign. Accepting and even embracing Marian theology is frightening, too, because we are taught it is idolatry and we could be cast into hell for it (the branch of evangelicalism I was a part of did not believe in "once saved, always saved.")
I am no stranger to these thoughts and fears. When I prayed my first Rosary, I begged God to forgive me and show me if indeed I was sinning. I prayed to God to show me the Truth. I asked Mary that if she is as the Catholic Church says she is to reveal herself to me. These are the three times she did:
1. The first time occured early on in my Rosary prayer life. I was getting a lot of phone calls and phone interruptions during my working hours as I listened to podcasts or audiobooks while I worked. I decided to take some time to pray the rosary while I worked, but I had a condition, that if the Rosary is true and I am not sinning to pray it, then there would be NO interruptions on the my phone while I prayed (I was still learning the Rosary, so I prayed along to a youtube audio on my phone). I even chose a longer rosary audio. You can choose from audio anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour long. Well, no interruption came that entire rosary. I remember my heart pounding as I neared the end the prayer, just waiting, almost willing for an interruption to come on my phone. None came.
Now, you may brush that off as coincidence. I pretty much did. I just packed it away for future reference, possible evidence in my case for or against Mary.
2. The second time happened due to a clogged toilet. I have a child who has great skill in clogging toilets. I had been at the plunger for 2 HOURS! I had tried various hacks to no avail. It was late at night and I was exhausted, but the blockage would not budge. For whatever reason I felt compelled to say a Hail Mary, and I did. Immediately, the clog unclogged!
Another coincidence? Perhaps. I messaged a Catholic friend and she rejoiced with me, assuring me that Mary is there and cares. Again, I filed this incident away.
3. This third occasion happened recently and was the most profound. I had been sick for weeks with an allergy-induced ear and tube infection as well as fatigue and brain fog so great I had a hard time concentrating on much of anything. It was really affecting my life as a wife, mother, and homeschool teacher. I was tired of it all one evening, and not even really praying officially, just sort of meditating on my sick of being sick. I "heard" quite clearly from Mary that if I prayed a Rosary in the morning, she would be there and heal me. I got excited. I mean, I got really excited! I told Mary that I would pray first thing and believed I would be healed. Indeed, I was healed when I woke up, even before I prayed the Rosary, but I truly felt her presence and prayed the Rosary as I promised I would. I haven't experienced that since. It was as if she was THERE, actually THERE with me that morning, as opposed to the general "presence" of the saints per God's grace.
I've felt Christ's presence in such a way many times before. I've experienced the Holy Spirit in profound ways, but never Mary before this. I don't think I could ever go back to thinking she isn't as the Catholic Church says she is. I can't explain away what I experienced any more than I can explain away how I know Christ is who He truly is.
I NEEDED to know that Mary is real. The anti-Mary indoctrination of my upbringing was that infused in me. I needed Mary, herself. And she came to me.
My inner debate about modern Christianity and seeking the truth of our church origins.
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